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Hiking & Backpacking

     I am particular to both chaparel and high desert regions. Most of my experience is in San Diego County and Grand Canyon NP. I am hoping to do a few longer-distance (but easier terrain) coastal hikes this coming year. I did pay for a full month of pedicabbing, so I do need to finish the month rent. ...

Climbing & Small WaterVessel

     I am avidly into Boogie Boarding on a Wooden Skim Board (not safe, but my transportation style) and nude bodyboarding (you can't see me body from the shore when i'm underwater!) when it is not too cold (I am a lot like mercury when it comes to physical activity, and the temperate opposite with creative works).

      I would have been a professional climber by now(I know I was exceptional at age 15), but I don't know any climbers, and, with age, my inhibitions toward fear of heights increases(ie. i am loosing my audacity toward tempting "death"). Kinda like my sister would have been a professional violinist like our grandparents if it wasn't for the POS's(this instance is not an acronym for part of speech) at our school and the physical distance between my family. My bigger li'l brother and are are like koalas; we used to climb everything from our parents, to trees, and doorways. I have only climbed one and a half buildings in my life though. 

      I have been kayaking a few times. I did teach a group of about twenty girls with the smallest-to-no-experience to kayak. It's awesome what a person can do when supported (especially when they don't usually get that kind of moral support).

Bicycling (i call it urban mountain biking)

       I like making all the moves that are illegal or impossible in automotive driving. It's kinda sorry to say that spooking drivers is not only fun, but everyone drives more cautiously with even a distant "close call" (I know I do). ...i guess I am an adreneline junkie; it actually helps relieve back pain, but it does increase stress factors).

Climbing Trees


        I am a kinda nerd, i love going to school; merely by circumstance i have been denied the opportunity to in recent years... I absolutely love field studies and independent studies, anything technical or requiring attainment of physical skill.

        In my early adulthood, I was planning on going to art school in Australia, so I could meet and come to know the my extended family by birth[i did not meet cousins, auties, uncle until my mid-twenties; communication was scarce, i remember expensive telephone calls and airmail paper, oddities of this day and age]. I think i[and my siblings] am[are] probably of a last generation of peoples who traveled to this country by water and still first generation born-in-the-USA. i think it's fucked off to be denied opportunities with this background. topics relating to this facts that interest me are : being first generation born in the USA(and having interest in punk rawk and the related, etc [ie.Flea from RHCP was aussi-american per wikipedia]), transportation and how it shapes the personal being, communication modalities and how it shapes the personal being, history and historical context,  imports and exports of commodities/barter&trade/gift trade (i know [street level] of how to i.d. silk, silver, saffron, pearls, diamond [obvious] etc.<ie. i wallk into a store and am often attracted to the area where the silk is, often it's the first piece of clothing i touch; I don't know why, but i also am sure that is a gift that you cannot learn that online>). trade of illness, and changes in natural history, future natural history due to changes in transport and (AVOID MONOCULTUREs!)

Jewelry Making&Design


no, i do not have one medium i trend toward. i do know i need to restart study/application in the older forms of metal smithing and such to harness the fyre. my paternal-maternal side were smyths. (i burned a lot of my silver in jewelry1; additionally, three of my current five castings burnt out by others' hands). i was perfect with the raku firing though, so that's how i know where i need to be restarting any future castings.


      (especially long distance)

Creative writing

note - style


      (I really *need* a male yoga and hiking partner that is my stature and near my weight)

eXPLORING (i've traversed in some of SD's finer subterranean parts as well as outdoor regions and less-accessible architectural interests)

Making Music

      (or attempting to. I was playing with two bike bells on my pedicab and all i could devise from that was a pretty boring rhythm)

i used to play a drum kit and an ashiko (west african style, but [bragging rights] the person who made it was from here [no. cali.], hand built it and all of the parts [body, skin] were from things off of his land)

I also dabble with a pan pipe(so./central amer. origin) and a north american pocket flute (mini version of a north american indian flute)

Dancing (especially when it's the day-to-day environment&movements/actions/sounds), not so much clubbing or fox-trot type stuff


(There is nothing more important to me than the whole of what we all are of)

Intellectual interest topics include : ethobotany, various medical practice (integrating multiculltural/generational practice), and endemicism & rare creatures and interactions with all animals.

Although I like fiction books like the monkey wrench gang, dharma bums, and factual books like the rabbit proof fence and mutant message down under, I brood over any plausible damage from the publicity. The upside is i definitely don't feel as much of a wierdo for stuff like keeping thee hair from my hairbrush or wishing that that billboard would just blow over. ...

Anyone with any of the above shared interests are most definitely requested to make as friends!